The idea of Men’s Sheds was first raised at a Men’s Health conference in 1995 when it was suggested that Sheds could help promote social interaction and reduce depression related illness in elderly men.
There are now over 1,200 Men’s Sheds established across Australia, and still more forming.
Our Shed was established to help prevent men from suffering the isolation, loss of purpose and wellbeing that is often associated with men leaving the workforce either for health reasons or retirement.
It is well known men don’t just go out and talk like women do. WE NEED AN EXCUSE, and the shed and its tools give us that excuse.
There are lots of studies that demonstrate how damaging isolation can be. Many men who don’t find this support will often turn inward and in extreme cases it may lead to suicide.
Electronics Group
The Electronics Group is a bunch of men who explore many aspects of electronic gear.
These men meet in the shed on a Thursday afternoon from 12 noon to 3 pm. New participants are always welcome.
Leadlighting and Copperfoiling
Leadlight is the art of creating a design where the individual pieces of decorative glass are held together in a framework of lead came. It is most often seen in flat panels in windows or doors.
This group meets from 12 noon to 2 pm on Wednesdays. New participants are always welcome.
Focused Blokes
Focused Blokes is a gathering of shed members who have an interest in mental health issues, where the blokes can talk about issues pertaining to the mental side of their lives. Blokes can either sit there and listen in silence or add to the topic. What is said in the shed, stays in the shed. This has now been ongoing for over 12 months, and is only getting better as time goes by. Most of the men who have attended these sessions are saying they are getting a lot out of the evenings.
For the next Focused Blokes gathering, see our ‘When Are We Open’ page. New participants are always welcome.
Even if we only save one man then the shed is successful!
In short, belonging to our Shed gives its members the feeling of belonging and gives them something worth getting out of bed for.
Last Updated on 10 February 2025